The Psychology Behind Why We Love Getting Mail (2023)

(and How to Use it in Your Marketing Strategy)

The Psychology Behind Why We Love Getting Mail (2023)

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Cracking open the mailbox to find a surprise waiting inside is an egg-citing experience that never gets old. It could be a handwritten letter from a friend, a care package from a loved one, or even a glossy brochure from a business. There’s just something about the tangible nature of mail that appeals to our senses and triggers our emotions. As it turns out, the reasons behind our love for snail mail are rooted in marketing psychology, and savvy marketers leverage this to their advantage.

In this article, we’ll delve into the psychological underpinnings of our affinity for physical mail and explore how businesses can tap into this primal urge to connect with their customers in a more meaningful way.

The Power of Personalization

One of the biggest reasons we love getting mail is that it is often personalized. Whether it’s a handwritten note or a postcard with your name on it, when you receive something that is meant specifically for you it creates a sense of connection and validation. This is why personalization is such a powerful tool in marketing.

Businesses can use personalization in a number of ways, such as addressing customers by name in emails or sending targeted direct mail campaigns based on their interests or past purchases. By making customers feel seen and valued, businesses can build stronger relationships and increase brand loyalty.

The Nostalgia Factor

Another reason we love getting mail is the nostalgia factor. For many of us, getting mail was a big deal when we were kids. We would eagerly await the arrival of birthday cards or letters from pen pals. As we got older, the excitement may have faded, but the nostalgia remains.

Businesses can tap into this nostalgia by incorporating vintage design elements into their mailers or using language that evokes a sense of nostalgia. By tapping into customers’ emotions, you can create a more memorable experience.

The Element of Surprise

There is also an element of surprise that comes with getting mail. Unlike emails or text messages, which we can preview before opening, mail is a complete mystery until we open it. This creates a sense of anticipation and excitement that is hard to replicate with digital communication.

You should use this element of surprise to your advantage by creating mailers that your recipients find unexpected or unusual. When you create a unique and memorable experience, you increase the chances that your mailers will be shared by your recipients.

The Tactile Experience

There is also the tactile experience of getting mail. Holding a physical object in our hands and feeling the weight and texture of the paper creates a sensory experience that is hard to replicate with digital communication. This tactile experience can create a stronger emotional connection and increase the perceived value of the mailer.

Businesses can use this tactile experience to their advantage by using techniques that create a memorable and visually appealing mailer. If you can make your mailers feel more like a gift than an advertisement, you increase the likelihood that your mailers will be kept.

The Effect of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is an effective tactic in both digital and direct mail marketing. However, direct mail can be more effective in this regard because it is a physical object that the recipient can hold in their hands. A piece of mail with a limited-time offer or a special promotion that is expiring soon can create a sense of urgency that motivates the recipient to take action.

Using Marketing Psychology in Your Direct Mail Strategy

Direct mail is not just for large corporations with big budgets. It can be a highly effective marketing tool for small businesses and nonprofits as well. By using the psychology behind why people love getting mail, you can create direct mail campaigns that engage and motivate your target audience.

When getting started with direct mail marketing, you first need to create a mailing list of your target audience. This can include current customers, prospects, or people in your local community who fit your target demographic. Once you have a list, you can create a direct mail campaign that includes personalized messaging, a clear call to action, and a sense of urgency.

To make your direct mail campaign even more effective, consider using QR codes or other tracking tools to measure the effectiveness of your campaign. This will allow you to adjust your approach and make changes to future campaigns to maximize your results.

Putting it All Together

So how can businesses use the psychology behind why we love getting mail in their marketing strategy? Here are a few tips:

  • Personalize your mailers by addressing customers by name or sending targeted campaigns based on their interests or past purchases.
  • Tap into nostalgia by incorporating vintage design elements or language into your mailers.
  • Use unexpected or unusual mailers to create an element of surprise and increase the chances that your mailers will grab the attention of your recipients.
  • Create a tactile experience by using high-quality paper and printing techniques that make your mailers feel more like a gift than an advertisement.

By leveraging the psychology behind why we love getting mail, businesses can create a more memorable and effective marketing strategy. So go ahead, embrace the power of mail and start sending out those personalized, nostalgic, unusual, and unique mailers.

Final Thoughts on Marketing Psychology

Direct mail may seem like an outdated marketing technique in the digital age, but the truth is that it is still highly effective when done correctly. By understanding the psychology behind why people love getting mail, you can create direct mail campaigns that engage and motivate your target audience.

So why not give it a try and see how direct mail can benefit your business or organization? You may be surprised at the results. Sign up for a free Mailjoy account, and get started in minutes.